A cross-platform, modular and fully GDPR-compliant email archival solution!
No Matches
Hermod - An open-source, GDPR-compliant e-mail archival system for Windows, Linux and macOS

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Hermod, from the Norse god of communication, is an open-source, modular and (with first-party plugins) fully GDPR-compliant email archival system. A complete re-write of a previous project and a work project I started many years ago (which they apparently still use!), Hermod is what I always envisioned it to become.

Hermod provides a basic framework to become whatever you need it to be.

Hermod's current icon contains images from:

  • Wishforge
  • Artyom Khamitov My artistic skills aren't great, but it's an icon! The aforementioned creators have created fantastic icon packs!


Before I get started with the juicy details, let me first tell you of all the things I need (or want) to finish, first:

  • The EmailImporter plugin
    • This is the first-party plugin that will actually get all your emails from your account
    • This is the first plugin to be developed and is currently being worked on.
    • The next merge to the master branch will contain a (at least mostly) working version
  • The MailProcessor plugin
    • This is the first-party plugin that will process each individual email, strip its attachments and convert it do a document format so it may be indexed.
    • Once the mail has been processed, the document will be published to /hermod/mail/processed topic for further processing
    • This will be the second plugin to be developed
  • The ElasticIndexer plugin
    • This first-party plugin will subscribe to the /hermod/mail/processed topic and index each and every email document into an Elasticsearch backend
    • After an email was succesfully indexed, the email will be published to the /hermod/email/indexed topic so the archival plugin can then do its thing
    • The ElasticIndexer plugin (as should any indexers!) will also subscribe to the /hermod/index/request topic and will search the index for any matching documents.
      • The result(s) will be published to the /hermod/index/response topic.
  • The FsArchiver pluign
    • This first-party plugin will subscribe to the /hermod/mail/indexed and archive the file to the filesystem on the local machine.
    • This plugin marks the end of an email's long journey through Hermod. It will finally be in Valhalla.
    • FsArchiver (as should all archival plugins!) will also subscribe to the /hermod/archive/request topic and return all results on /hermod/archive/response

Cross platform

Hermod was and is (at the time of writing) being developed on a Mac and is constantly tested in a Linux VM/container to ensure full compatibilit across all major operating systems.


  • You don't have to buy expensive Windows licenses?
  • Run it on your existing infrastructure!
  • Cross platform is a nice buzzword 🙂


Hermod was designed from the ground up to be 100% modular.

This means that running without any support plugins, it is virtually useless - save from executing a few little commands here and there. Designing Hermod this way means it is fully expandable for use however required!

However, with its first-party plugins, Hermod is mainly a fully GDPR-compliant email archival solution.


As mentioned before, Hermod relies on plugins for its functionality.

Plugins can be loaded and unloaded at runtime, meaning they can be updated on-the-fly, or new functionality can be added whenever needed.

Plugins must fulfill some basic requirements to be loaded:

  1. They must be contained within a valid Assembly file (MSIL .dll, .exe)
  2. They must contain at least one class that inherits from IPlugin or better Plugin.
    • Use of the Plugin abstract class is recommended because it implements most of the basic funtionality.

Plugin features

Plugins can provide their own featureset as well as their own commands.

The concept of commands isn't any different than on a "regular" terminal; open an interactive session (done in Hermod by executing it with the -i flag) and enter the command with any valid argument.


Hermod is designed to be event-driven and supports inter-plugin communication for quick and easy transfer of data between plugins.

This is how Hermod can achieve its level of modularity without any dependency on other plugins.

If a new file is loaded, a message will be published to an internal IPC topic with the file data.

The built-in IPC system is fully internal and allows plugins to pass objects (even reference objects!) around for high performance.


Hermod is designed to be REST-friendly and provides (at some point 😊) a RESTful API for remote management.


A web-based management portal is also being planned.


Hermod relies on commands for handling simple things, such as starting processing, loading and unloading plugins, and much more, depending on the plugins you install!

Built-in commands

Command Name Brief Description
help Displays a help menu with all commands and their brief description
clear Clears the terminal and re-prints the prompt
quit Gracefully quits the application. (None-interactive sessions use CTRL+C)
load-plugin Loads a plugin from a file
unload-plugin Unloads a plugin from the application namespace.

Planned commands

Command Name Brief Description
install-plugin Installs a new plugin from the Plugin Repository (in the far future)
remove-plugin Removes a plugin and its resources from the system.
get-cfg Retrieves a single config for viewing
set-cfg Allows a single configuration to be set via interactive session

Email support

Hermod supports parsing emails in MIME and mbox format and uses the fantastic MimeKit and Mailkit libraries to parse emails and retrieve their attachments.

Further Format Support

If MIME doesn't suit your needs, you can develop (and publish) your own mail parser for Hermod!

Email archival

Hermod provides an account-based, filesystem-based archival approach with automagic compression of old files with individual deletion dates!

This means that each email domain and account will have its own directory, and each user (or domain admin) will only be allowed to access their data.


The first-party plugins for Hermod use Elastic bands as the back-end and search engine; this means all emails are stored securely as documents - including attachments! - and are searchable without having to wait for and hard drives to spin up or files to be uncompressed!